Bill N Snook is a bunch of committed professionals who furnish leisure sports and games equipment in Kerala. We aspire to create a tradition of excellence and hence, focus on bringing to you some of the world's best and most beautiful pool and snooker tables.

We combine old-world quality craftsmanship with new world technology to provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. We help you enjoy your leisurely pastime at its luxurious best. In a world where people are gravitating towards television and other electronic gadgets, we believe that "a family that plays together stays together". We are the answer to the young "robot generation" who suffer from low interpersonal skills because of a lack of sports-oriented games. In a time where a lot of emphases are given on physical fitness, and more and more people are becoming conscious of it, our tables would be the best meditation ground because playing is the best stress buster and it helps in relaxing your mind. Our tables will bring out the sporty person in you.

The increasing demand for our service reflects the increasing aptitude for these games in Kerala. "God's own country" has always been receptive to global trends, and this is the market we try to tap. Our uncompromising quality, prompt service, smooth transaction, and hassle-free delivery has kept us in great demand and constantly ahead in the market. We are dependable and affordable and have a very good track record from the time we began as a company in 2012. This makes our industry veterans and our integrity sets us apart from the competition. Besides providing personalized custom-designed quality craftsmanship we make sure that our experts can advise you on what is best for you. We constantly keep developing and delivering unique ideas. After all, we believe in a lasting relationship with our clients and wish to offer them the best value for money. We can confidently say that Bill N Snook is your ideal partner in luxury and leisure game products.

We also specialize in perfect and complete flooring solutions. We have talented personnel with finest craftsmanship who can help you choose, design, and lay flooring of different brands, materials, sizes/dimensions, finish and thickness that can suit your commercial building space, interiors of home, or outdoor areas such as patios, gardens, swimming pools and terraces.

The specialized and experienced workforce of Bill N Snook will grant our clients' peace of mind by anticipating their needs, helping them choose what they want, and taking into account every detail from the installation of the product to the excellent after-sales services. In short, we will support our clients from the beginning to the end. We look forward to a long term relationship and wish to create a large and loyal client base. For this, we will research and integrate the latest technology and reliable product in the market, will opt for the best manufacturing processes, and ensure unparalleled customer service to every single person who is part of the Bill N Snook family. We will maintain our established leadership in the market by continuously keeping a tab on the client's changing preferences to introduce new products to suit the diverse client groups, periodically monitoring our staff's efficiency and motivating them to achieve the company's goals, and by implementing the better operational technique.

Bill N Snook aspires to help people enjoy their life to the maximum, and provide an unparallel joyful experience. We aim to provide our clients with health wrapped in fun-filled happy play hours. Our philosophy is to be extra-ordinary, and therefore we will go beyond the actual expectation of the clients to provide them better than the best that is available in the market. The company will adhere to a strict quality assurance policy and is committed to providing the clients with the best quality product according to the latest market trends and international standards, coupled with reliable service and experience possible. We believe that client satisfaction is the most essential criteria for any business and will make every effort to maintain excellent relations with them. Our target is to grow into a renowned organization best known for its high-quality leisure game products.

Bill N Snook is passionate about implementing the best practices in the field of sports and games. We are open to philosophies that will benefit our company and each person involved in it. With sincere effort, noble intention and high aspiration, we wish to serve our clients the best. This is our driving force and the formula for success. We constantly raise our bar of excellence by providing flawless products with fair and reasonable pricing and no hidden charges.